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Establishment of the Slovenian Centre for Traffic Control and Management in Critical Situations at Sea
The establishment of the Slovenian Centre for Traffic Control and Management in Critical Situations at Sea, valued at EUR 2.32 million, is a part of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of European Cohesion Policy 2014–2020 and has received EUR 1.56 million in funds from the European Cohesion Fund.
Second track of Divača-Koper railway line – Action 3 (construction of tunnel T8 and viaducts V1 and V2)
On 8 September 2020, the European Commission approved co-funding for the project of construction of the Second track Divača-Koper, namely for the construction of the tunnel T8 and viaducts V1 and V2. The project is a encompassing the construction of 4.9 km of newly built viaducts and tunnels without equipment. EU’s Cohesion Fund is contributing EUR 80 000 000 through the “Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy” for the 2014-2020 programming period.
Project document elaboration for the connection road of the 3rd development axis – Slovenj Gradec southern bypass
The Ministry of Infrastructure has received a decision from the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy on support for the project document elaboration for the connection road of the 3rd development axis – Slovenj Gradec southern bypass, an investment worth EUR 0.83 million, of which EUR 0.59 million will be co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund.
The purpose of the project is the development of devices for older models of cars and other vehicle categories to promote the use of the e-Call service – a European-wide emergency call (112) made by passengers or automatically via the activation of car sensors after a collision.
Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU 2021
Slovenia held the Presidency of the Council of the EU in the second half of 2021, assuming this role for the second time in 13 years. The Slovenian Presidency was based on four priorities under the slogan "Together. Resilient. Europe." Working with the European institutions and the Member States, it has strengthened the EU’s resilience to various crises and helped countries with the post-pandemic recovery and digital transformation. It has also made important progress in improving working conditions, the security of European citizens and the process of enlargement to the Western Balkans.
Second track of the Divača-Koper line: construction of tunnels T1–T7
Construction of seven tunnels (from T1 to T7), of which 16.671 km of main tubes and 12.712 km of service tubes. The project also encompasses project management that, in addition to internal special-purpose-vehicle costs and engineering, includes the supervision of building works and environmental legislation monitoring.
Technical support for the development and implementation of projects on the TEN-T core network in Member States entitled to Cohesion Fund funding
The purpose of the support measure is to increase institutional capacities and the efficiency of public administrations and services as regards the development and implementation of TEN-T core network projects. This ensures support for Member States eligible for Cohesion Fund funding that may experience problems in planning projects that are sufficiently developed and/or of good enough quality and have enough EU added value.
E-ARK4ALL Project
The E-ARK4ALL Project is a consortium of five partners working with the European Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). The Archive of the Republic of Slovenia participates in the projectas a partner in the DLM Forum.
GEOFOOD – Geothermal Energy for Circular Food Production
As part of the Geothermica programme, the Geothermal Energy for Circular Food Production (GEOFOOD) project is run as food production in Europe requires further steps to reduce the carbon footprint.
As part of the project, the beneficiaries will provide several solutions for clean transport based on alternative fuels and a number of sustainable transport services. It will involve the establishment of a network of compressed natural gas filling stations, a network of EV high-power chargers and city and regional bus connections.
GovDER - GOVernment Deep Energy Renovation
To prepare the economic and technical documentation for the deep energy renovation of buildings in the core and wider public sector, the Ministry of Infrastructure obtained grants from the ELENA Fund of the European Investment Bank (EIB) to carry out the GOVernment Deep Energy Renovation (GovDER) project, namely for technical assistance ELENA (TP ELENA).
Traffic management integration in the National Traffic Management Centre (NTMC) 2
The purpose of establishing the NTMC is ensuring sustainable comprehensive traffic management by providing real-time traffic information. The project will encompass second-stage NTMC integration activities.
This is a continuation of previous EU-funded projects, CROCODILE and CROCODILE 2, a collaboration between Member States to improve cross-border road transport through the implementation of ITS (intelligent transport system) applications.
Construction of the second tunnel tube for the Karawanks road tunnel on the cross-border section Austria-Slovenia
The project envisages the extension of the Karavanke motorway tunnel connecting the A2 Karavanke-Obrežje motorway in Slovenia and the A11 Villach-Karavanke in Austria. The project was a joint application by Austria and Slovenia. The Republic of Austria is the project coordinator.
The purpose of the project is to exchange spatial data that is of fundamental importance to ITS (intelligent transport system) applications. The project is carried out by a group of experts from 15 EU Member States working alongside electronic mapmakers. The Slovenian project partner is the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Traffic Safety.
Implementation of multimodal travel information services on the TEN-T network
The aim is to provide comprehensive information in Slovenia and the wider EU area on the range of travel services provided by public and private operators, thereby enabling smooth, multimodal and cross-border door-to-door travel for passengers. EU grants are earmarked for carrying out ITS tasks to ensure the implementation of multimodal travel information services on the TEN-T network by bringing together public bodies, public transport service providers and providers of trans-European multimodal travel information.
The main purpose of the project is to speed up the introduction of multi-purpose charging infrastructure for electric vehicles with a focus on long-distance travel. The project will encompass the development of a pilot network of 222 multi-standard fast and 30 ultra-fast chargers on four corridors of the TEN-T core network. The project will contribute to the development of the electric vehicle market in Cohesion Member States.
Sustainable mobility measures under the Agreement for the development of regions (ADR)
In response to the call of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, 12 development regions submitted key regional and inter-regional projects and sector project proposals. The ADR encompasses 57 sustainable mobility project proposals with an estimated value of EUR 297.9 million, of which EUR 109.6 million will be co-financed with EU funds (EUR 23 million allocated and EUR 86.6 million in commitment appropriations).
Soft sustainable mobility measures
On 8 November 2017, the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy issued a decision on financial support for the project of soft sustainable mobility measures. The purpose of the project that is a part of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of European Cohesion Policy 2014–2020 is the general promotion of sustainable forms of mobility encompassing incentive and educational activities at the national level and the drafting of professional guidelines for enterprises, institutions and local communities. The total amount of funds intended for the implementation of the project is EUR 3.4 million, of which EUR 2.9 million will be co-financed from the European Cohesion Fund.
Second track Divaca-Koper – Surveys, executive design, construction of access roads and structures for bridging Glinšcica Valley
Preparatory works for the construction of a new track on the Divača-Koper railway line.