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  • Completed

    Preparation of the project design of the acquisition of a building permit and the executive design for the Karavanke motorway tunnel

    The purpose of the project was to conduct geological and geo-mechanical surveys and prepare the basic design project documentation and detailed design to build the second tube of the Karavanke Tunnel that was the basis for obtaining the building permit and the construction of the second tunnel tube.

  • Completed

    Bottleneck rehabilitation in the area of Bivje on the Divača-Koper railway line

    The purpose of the project is to repair and modernise the railway section between the Dekani station and the Bivje junction.

  • Completed


    e-Call (based on the European emergency number 112) is an emergency call system for the automatic warning of rescue services in the event of a traffic collision.

  • Completed


    GAINN4MOS is a joint project of numerous Member States helping to supply ports with liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean.

  • Completed


    The pilot project focused on the development and establishment of an innovative logistic corridor for the transport of refrigerated fresh food products from Israel to Central Europe, the aim of which was to shift the cargo from road to rail to shorten the delivery time of refrigerated products and reduce land transportation costs.

  • Underway

    Rehabilitation and modernisation of the Pragersko hub

    On 24 March 2021, the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy approved EU funding for the project of rehabilitation and modernisation of the Pragersko hub. The project consists of the full modernisation of the Pragersko railway station, a major hub connecting three important railway corridors to Zidani Most (Ljubljana), Maribor (Austrian border) and Ormož (Hungarian border). Total value of the project is EUR 90.03 million from which EU’s European Regional and Development Fund is contributing EUR 40 million through the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy for the 2014-2020 programming period.

  • Underway

    Connecting Europe Facility 2014–2020

    In the 2014–2020 period, the Connecting Europe Facility is a key EU financial instrument to promote growth, jobs and competitiveness through targeted investments in transport, energy and telecommunications infrastructures.

  • Completed

    Avtocesta Draženci–MMP Gruškovje

    On 4 July 2016, the European Commission approved cohesion funding in the amount of EUR 63.5 million for the major project of construction of the motorway section Draženci-Gruškovje international border crossing that is a part of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of European Cohesion Policy 2014–2020. The total cost of the project was a little over EUR 176.7 million.

  • Underway

    EU Cohesion Policy 2014–2020 within the Ministry of Infrastructure

    In the 2014–2020 programme period as part of the Investment for growth and jobs objective, the Ministry of Infrastructure is implementing measures related to the promotion of sustainable energy use and transport.

  • Underway

    Horizon 2020 programme within the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy

    Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU programme for research and innovation.

  • Completed


    Baltic and Mediterranean corridors of the trans-European core network.

  • Completed

    SESAR – Single European Sky ATM Research

    SESAR (Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research) projects encompass joint projects that will contribute to the successful implementation of the Air Traffic Management Master Plan and are aimed at upgrading the system, increasing security and connecting the SESAR project with its implementation. SESAR coordinates the dedicated SESAR Joint Undertaking.

  • Underway

    Co-financing sustainable mobility operations under the ITI mechanism

    The Integrated Territorial Investments (ITI) mechanism is aimed at fulfilling the aims of sustainable urban strategies of urban municipalities with funding from the European Regional Development Fund and the EU Cohesion Fund. The Association of Urban Municipalities of Slovenia (ZMOS) acts as an intermediary in selecting ITI operations.

  • Underway

    MLA (Mutual Legal Assistance and Extradition) Initiative

    The MLA Initiative is an initiative led by Slovenia, Argentina, Belgium, Mongolia, the Netherlands and Senegal for the adoption of the Convention on International Cooperation in the Investigation and Prosecution of Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes and other International Crimes.

    The Ljubljana-The Hague Convention was adopted at the MLA Diplomatic Conference in Ljubljana on 26 May 2023 and represents a landmark international treaty that will help to deliver justice to victims of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The adoption of the Convention seizes a historic opportunity to strengthen international legal cooperation. The Convention is expected to significantly reduce impunity for perpetrators of crimes. More than 30 States from all over the world signed the Convention at a Signing Conference in The Hague on 14 and 15 February 2024. The Ljubljana-The Hague Convention is open for signature by all States until 14 February 2025.

  • Underway

    Archivalia of the Month

    The online column Archivalia of the month has been published since January 2011. Its purpose is to promote the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia and its archival holdings. Presented in the column are archival documents that are interesting visually and content-wise, as well as newly acquired documents or the ones that have so far been overlooked. Also published are documents relating to various anniversaries, current events and many more.

  • Arbitration

    As Slovenia and Croatia had not managed to resolve their dispute concerning the border on land and sea despite numerous attempts, on 4 November 2009 they, with the assistance of the European Commission, signed the Arbitration Agreement establishing an Arbitral Tribunal.

  • Underway

    The “Our Rights” project - human rights education

    The objective of the Our Rights project is to enable young people, particularly children, who are still developing and trying to establish their identities, to learn about human rights, i.e. their rights and respecting the rights of others. The empowerment of children, notably through education about human rights, including their own, is one of the key priorities of Slovenian foreign policy in the area of human rights promotion.

  • SFRY Succession

    Under the auspices of the international community, five countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – today Serbia) signed the Agreement on Succession Issues by which it was conclusively confirmed that five sovereign equal successor states were formed upon the dissolution of the former SFRY.

  • Underway

    Combating trafficking in human beings

    Trafficking in human beings is a phenomenon that occurs in all parts of modern society; it is becoming a structural element of some industries; and above all it grossly encroaches on the rights and fundamental freedoms of the individual who becomes a victim of such trafficking or exploitation.

  • Completed


    The purpose of the project is to improve traffic and transport conditions by implementing internationally harmonised ITS in the corridor road network.